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Structure of the code and modelling strategy
VENECIA is aimed to complex thermalhydraulic simulation of superconducting and cryogenic systems, including cryogenic plant elements and armature such as pumps, valves and heat exchangers. A set of basic mathematical models is used to simulate typical components of magnet and cryogenic systems. Each component is described by an individual set of algebraic, differential equations and equations in partial derivatives. The equations are solved using the intrinsic numerical technique. VENECIA implements the following basic models:
- helium flow
- conductor
- collector
- valve
- solid
- etc.
Helium flows are modeled using a 1-D approximation. Solid materials are described with 2D models. The number of basic models of each type used in simulations depends only on task specifics and adopted assumptions and approach. A global calculation model of a real magnet with its cooling system is constructed from these basic models by linking them to each other. The general structure of VENECIA models is shown in 9.

Figure 9: General structure of a VENECIA calculation model
Each basic model (helium flow, valve, etc…) has a fixed argument list which provides an adequate description of the component to cover typical operation conditions. To simulate the loading conditions each model is linked with a standardized data set defining the loading modes and magnitudes. These data are implemented in VENECIA via the NAMELIST module, which is a unificated core of the code. NAMELIST should be modified solely if new basic models are added to VENECIA.
These program elements do not provide a general formalism for all possible designs and operating modes. However, due to simple module structure of the code, VENECIA simulation capabilities are easily extendable to a specific demand. Practical experience of VENECIA users evidences that VENECIA allows implementation of global models for complex superconducting magnet systems. An adequate modeling of thermohydraulic behavior of superconducting systems involves detailed description of variations and distributions for a variety of loads. These data from different sources collected are typically supplied in different formats, which necessitate additional efforts to standardize the database for the simulations. Although suffering from obvious drawbacks, this approach offers very flexible data treatment and formatting.
VENECIA model describes the network of different components (or "lego" assembly) which could be coupled between themselves through the different kind of links and associated through boundary conditions with 2-D cross-sections in which the thermal diffusion problem considered, thus obtaining a quasi-3D code.
The code provides a linkage of 1-D and 2D models within a single algorithm using a semi-implicit method to integrate and solve the equations. The model discretization varies over a wide range, depending on the nature of problem and accuracy required.
As the bulk of Venecia and Vincenta simulations has been performed by the code authors, development of a user-friendly version was not an immediate task. Now a more comfortable interface is under development.
On demand, a user interface oriented for a specific task/project or consistent with popular commercial programs such as Excel, AutoCAD etc can be created.
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