Thermal Analysis Of Vacuum Vessel Thermal Shield Ports |
Completed orders:
ITER Team (Garching, Germany) - International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor
The presented analysis is aimed: (a) to evaluate temperature state of the MPTS, UPTS and LPTS, (b) to define its cooling system parameters, (c) to estimate the heat absorbed by Port TS coolant and (d) estimate heat influx to TFC structures for 3 regimes: Normal Operation condition (NO), VV Baking condition and VV LOCA (Loss of Coolant Accident) mode.
To accomplish this task 3D thermal analyses of typical regular segments of the MPTS, UPTS and LPTS with the expected maximum temperature gradients over fins have been carried out.
For each PTS are presented:
- Temperature distribution over the thick fin segment, [K]
- Temperature distribution over the thin fin segment, [K]
- Heat flux distribution over the TFC surface, [W/m2]
More details on demand
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